Directions to Thames Valley Music School

Directions from NY and points West
Take I-95 North to Exit 83 and turn Left at the end of the ramp and Right at the first light onto Rt. 32 North. The College entrance is one mile on the Left at the second light. Take a Left at the Guard Station; the Cummings Art Center is the fourth building on the Right.

Directions from Boston and points East
Take I-95 South to Exit 84N to Rt. 32 North. The College entrance is one mile on the Left at the second light. Take a Left at the Guard Station; the Cummings Art Center is the fourth building on the Right.

Directions from Worcester and points North
Take I-395 South to Exit 78 onto Rt. 32 South. The College entrance is four miles on the Right. Take a Left at the Guard Station; the Cummings Art Center is the fourth building on the Right.
